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Data Solutions
Aug 28, 2022

What to Know About the Google Third-Party Delay

Google announced that they are delaying Chrome’s third-party cookie deprecation to 2024. Previously, this change was expected to take place in 2023. It is important for marketers and businesses alike to know about this change in order to make the right data decisions moving forward.

Why is Google Delaying Third-Party Cookie Deprecation

Google is delaying third-party deprecation on Chrome to allow for a longer testing time for the Privacy Sandbox. The Privacy Sandbox initiative aims to create technologies that both protect people’s privacy online while also giving business tools to build thriving digital businesses. This initiative has been evolving and shifting since Google first announced its third-party changes.

How the Delay Benefits You

While Google continues to test this initiative, marketers, data providers, and businesses benefit from the delay as they too will have more time to find other data sources and solutions for their digital marketing.

The initial announcement of the cease of third-party data in 2023 left many wondering where they would retrieve consumer data from. Now, marketers will have more time to explore their options and test data sources to determine what to use moving forward.

What Does the Delay Mean for Marketers?

So, what does this delay mean for marketers? Should marketers change course?

Darwill’s recommendation is to continue to find and test alternatives to third-party data during this time. Although there is an extension, it doesn’t mean that you should continue to rely on third-party data and wait until 2024 to find another option. Use this time to establish a tried-and-true alternative and ween off third-party data. Doing this now gives you ample time to make the switch and allows you to have your plan in place and transition seamlessly once Google turns off third-party cookies.

Here are some things you can continue to do during this time to prepare: 

  • Research other data sources and compare them to your needs.
  • Continue to focus on building upon your first-party data.
  • Stay up to date on other industry solutions.
  • Improve upon your privacy-safe strategies.

    How Darwill Helps Marketers Find Other Data Solutions

    Darwill’s utilizes a wide range of data sources to drive marketing efforts for business needs. We help businesses prioritize other data sets as the end of third-party data is imminent. By recommending alternative data sets, we help you continue to build successful, highly targeted campaigns.  

    Instead of relying on third-party data, we’ll direct you to first-, second-, or zero-party data based on your campaign goals. Additionally, Darwill has one national install of consumer files, Acxiom, giving us access to over 345 million unique individuals we can market to. Plus, we maintain partnerships with specialty data providers and utilize location data and geo-data for specific geographical consumer information.

    Stay Ahead of Third-Party Deprecation with Darwill

    Marketers and businesses that want to remain ahead of the curve, will utilize this extension to further innovate and evolve their current data practices. For those that need assistance in finding an alternative to third-party data, our Data Science experts are here to help! For data solutions, look no further than Darwill. Let’s get the conversation started!

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