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4 Tips for Holiday Marketing
Oct 18, 2023

4 Simple Tips to Prepare for Black Friday and Holiday Marketing

The holiday season is here, and it's time to prepare your seasonal campaigns. Adding holiday cheer to your landing pages and marketing campaigns will help you stay relevant and engage customers with your seasonal promotions.

To prepare for major shopping days like Black Friday and Cyber Monday, Darwill has compiled a list of tips to reel in holiday sales.

Essential Holiday Marketing Tips

Black Friday and Cyber Monday are the biggest shopping days each year. In 2022, Black Friday online sales reached over $9.12 billion, and Cyber Monday sales were over $11.3 billion. To achieve a high return on investment (ROI) on your seasonal campaigns, Darwill recommends leveraging the following strategies.

Define Your Goals

As you plan for the holidays, it will be essential to define your campaign goals. Analyze past data and results to set realistic objectives. Some clarifying questions you can ask yourself as you prepare include:

  • What do you want to achieve this season?
  • How can holiday marketing help you attain your goals?
  • What resources do you have to carry out your goals? Do you need a marketing partner to help strategize seasonal campaigns?
  • What promotions and discounts will you offer?
  • Who are you targeting?
  • What problems does your product or service solve?

Stick to the Basics

Take the strategies that have brought you success throughout the year and add some holiday cheer. This is not the time to experiment with a new approach because there's too much at risk if it fails. Continue to deliver customers the experience they know and expect from past purchases. The messaging and rapport you have built throughout the year with customers will be a deciding factor in where they choose to shop. Consistency in branding with a seasonal touch is key during this period.

It would help if you also looked back at previous campaigns to see where you excelled and where you can improve. Analyzing past campaigns will provide excellent insight and help you avoid making similar mistakes.

Tempting Holiday Offers

Inflation makes discounts and deals more important than ever this holiday season. Because of this, it is expected that consumers will buy fewer items. In fact, 67% of people plan to mitigate inflation by looking for seasonal discounts. By lowering product pricing and offering other deals, you can appease customers and motivate them to spend at your business over a competitor.

Lean into Your Social Strategy

Selling on social media will be big in 2023 as shopping behaviors evolve. More consumers are shopping on social media because they can easily find, browse items, and purchase without leaving the social app. Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok allow brands to upload products, tag items in content, and create virtual storefronts or links to product landing pages. Selling on social significantly reduces the friction in the buyer's journey, leading to more sales.

In addition to listing and uploading product catalogs to your social accounts, you must create content for the product or service. Utilize organic posts and paid social ads in various formats to provide more information to users on your offerings. 

Short-form video does a wonderful job of capturing shoppers' interest. Nearly half of all TikTok users said they'd bought something after seeing a short video of the product on the app. Livestreams, video reviews, and product demonstrations are significant motivators in a consumer's purchase decision. You can also leverage user-generated content or team up with an influencer to help you sell your products on social.

Start Your Seasonal Marketing Planning Now

Set yourself up for success this holiday season. By incorporating Darwill's seasonal marketing tips, you will flourish during Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Prepare now to achieve a high volume of sales and a positive ROI. Your holiday success starts with Darwill's seasonal campaigns. Let’s ring in the holidays together!

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